![ ](/downloads/press-kit/00.-RandomControl/randomcontrol-logo-alpha-magenta.png) ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-home.mp4) _**RandomControl** is a software company founded in 2008 specialized in GPU-accelerated simulation of the physics of light for product rendering, both offline and online._ Our Products =================================================== This is our current productline: * [Maverick Excelsior](https://maverickexcelsior.com/) is an interactive app for high-end jewelry visualization that runs directly on the web browser. - [Website](https://maverickexcelsior.com/) - Instagram [@maverickexcelsior](https://instagram.com/maverickexcelsior/) * [Maverick Studio](https://maverickrender.com/studio/) is a very easy-to-use application for product rendering that harnesses our proprietary light simulation technology with intuitive drag-and-drop tools. - [Website](https://maverickrender.com/studio/) - YouTube [@maverickrender](https://youtube.com/maverickrender/) - Twitter [@maverickrender](https://twitter.com/maverickrender/) - Instagram [@maverickrender](https://instagram.com/maverickrender/) * [Maverick Indie](https://maverickrender.com/indie/), the baby brother of Maverick Studio, is an ideal tool to import 3D models or materials and render highly photo-real presentations and turntables. - [Website](https://maverickrender.com/indie/) * [Maverick Benchmark](https://maverickrender.com/benchmark/) is a consistent and reliable free-to-use tool that stress-tests Nvidia GPUs to tell how performant they are. - [Website](https://maverickrender.com/benchmark/) * [ArionFX](http://arionfx.com/) is the acclaimed HDR post-processing plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and After Effects based on our render engine's tone-mapping toolchain. - [Website](http://arionfx.com/) Our History =================================================== _We can proudly say that we have been at the forefront of physically-based rendering and GPU-acceleration for nearly two decades._ This is a chronology of our main releases over the years: * ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-maverick-studio-animation.webp width="192")_Late 2024_. **Animation**. Full animation support in Maverick Render marks a significant milestone in the evolution of our technology. Users can now easily animate cameras, objects, and attributes, enabling the creation of compelling marketing clips directly within our stand-alone app.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-maverick-excelsior.webp width="192")_Late 2023_. **Maverick Excelsior** is a real-time jewelry visualization solution that runs directly on the web browser. Excelsior can effortlessly generate images and videos, publish jewelry creations online, and runs smoothly on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-maverick-benchmark.webp width="192")_Mid-2020_. **Maverick Benchmark** harnesses the power of Maverick Render in a portable free tool that will render full-blast for 5 minutes and tell you how performant your GPUs are.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-maverick-indie.webp width="192")_Late 2019_. **Maverick Indie** is an excellent rendering solution to visualize models and materials from Substance Painter/Designer, Zbrush, or Sketchfab. Take amazing photo-real shots or render turntable presentations with the best quality and the least effort.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-maverick-studio.webp width="192")_Mid-2019_. **Maverick Studio** is a GPU-accelerated render engine where our proprietary light simulation core is harnessed behind intuitive drag-and-drop tools. In Maverick you can import 3D models or CAD data and render impressive photo-real images with minimal effort.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-double-down.webp width="192")_Early 2018_. **Double-down**. We were blessed by some business opportunities in 2017 that eventually led to the arrival of private investment. The goal was to double-down on our areas of expertise: physically-based light simulation, image post-processing, and GPU-acceleration.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-arionfx.webp width="192")_2014_. **ArionFX** is a set of tools for Lens Effects and HDR image post-processing based on Arion's tonemapping. ArionFX is distributed as a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. Some of its most remarkable features are physical Bloom & Glare, and advanced local/global tone compression operators.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-arion.webp width="192")_2010_. **Arion**. The success of fryrender led to the birth of Arion, which started as a port/rewrite of the fryrender core in Nvidia CUDA. Arion was one of the first GPU-accelerated render engines in the market. Over the years, most of the 3D industry has followed the exact same path.
* ![ ](/images/randomcontrol-history-fryrender.webp width="192")_2006_. **Fryrender** was a pioneering product in the field of unbiased simulation of the physics of light. Our approach to image synthesis, which meant a radical departure from classic rendering at the moment, has been widely embraced by the industry since then. Connect With Us =================================================== For inquiries specific to any of the Maverick products, please email us at: * [gorilla@maverickrender.com](mailto:gorilla@maverickrender.com) * [info@maverickexcelsior.com](mailto:info@maverickexcelsior.com) For any other inquiries, our main company email is: * [info@randomcontrol.com](mailto:info@randomcontrol.com) To learn more about what we do, please visit our Social Media as linked above. Press Kit =================================================== High-resolution product images and logos are available in our electronic [press kit](https://randomcontrol.com/downloads/press-kit.zip).
_Copyright © 2008-2025 RandomControl, SL. All rights reserved._